Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Blog Revamp

Did you notice something different when entering the PBAJ zone today?
New season equals a whole new revived look for PBAJ Blog.
Oh boy, and was it beyond long over due!  

I wish I would've done a before & after pic of the Blog, as I do for every other project. 
If you don't remember what it looked like before.. it was black & white, plain text, no logo, blah blah blah, just a bore.

With a few minor tweaks & changes, I think the blog has a fresh new & much improved look. 

I am living for those antlers right now & love, love,
Loving the color scheme!! A few of my fave colors for summer! 
Simple, yet beautiful. 

On another note, whats new? I have been in the garage hard at work all week. So many new treats I want to share! Just waiting for some paint to dry & then this blog is going into over load tomorrow! You're not going to want to miss it! 
Also, a possible upcoming collaboration with a fellow blogger has got me excited beyond belief! So many new projects in the works for PBAJ!

Short but sweet post tonight. 

Leaving you wanting more more!

Until tomorrow my little blogger buddies ;) 


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quirky Fathers Day Typography Prints

First morning back on the grind..
 & heres a little peak into one of many projects I have in the works today! 

Fathers day! Sunday, June 16th, 2013..
It's creeping up! What do you have planned for your fathers? Childrens fathers? Grandfathers? 

Mister Bennett & I are in full swing, trying to make his Daddys first fathers day as special as we possibly can! We have so many projects planned & so many surprises up our sleeves, which we will of course share with you guys as they come together. 
(I have the hubs blocked from this post ;))

Today we begin the planning ,with these typography prints I am putting together at the moment. 
I am diligently at work this morning, while B naps, putting these homemade fathers day prints together, so I can get them out to the printers. 
I plan on displaying them at our fathers day breakfast! 

I think they will add a nice personal, quirky touch to the day!

Now, I 'mustache' you a question.... ;)
 What do you think of my custom made fathers day typography prints?

My son is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so I know my husband will get a kick out of that one!!

I will soon share with you what else this fathers day has in store!


Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

So sorry I had been MIA the past few days. My little family and I last min decided to load up the car and make the hike up north to Long Island, to spend the long Memorial Day weekend with family!
It was such a laid back, calm, relaxing trip. Bennett was finally introduced to this side of my family as well as my husband Jim!! Seriously long over due... We've been married for almost 4 years now and we finally just now were able to make this trip! That's life in the marine corp I suppose.
They were both embraced with open arms & as I knew they would fit in as if they were always there! As we drove around exploring the neighborhoods that surround my aunts and uncles houses, we have both taken to Long Island and fallen in love. (I was born there, moved away really young) I felt very inspired by the hustle of the nearby city traffic but very at home and comforted by the small quaint neighborhoods & family. Can I just say the food is to die for & you will never get better, pizza, Italian, bagels or shopping than in New York. We just may have a future around those parts! Once I can get to a computer I will share all my awesome NY finds!!
Actually as I write this we are still in the car making our way back to our humble abode. With About 3 hours left on the clock! Thought I would take this opportunity to recognize that today is Memorial Day. While you are enjoying your picnics,fishing, beach, bbq'ing etc etc.. Be sure to give Thanks to all of those who have given & will give, the biggest sacrifice for our country and allowed us the freedoms we take for granted every day. Never to be forgotten.
Also a special thank you to my own husband who continues to serve our country in the Unites States marine Corp. I am so proud of you, and appreciate everything you do! Love you babe!

Happy Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer Crate Centerpiece.

I have been itching to post this new project I've been working on all day, however my little Mister Bennett didn't want Mommy to do so. Now that he has stopped fighting it & has gone down for his well needed nap, Mommy has a few mins to share! 
Fingers crossed he gives me a chance to shower after too..., obviously this post is way more important ;)!

I am not going to waste any time. 

I picked up this crate at Michaels. Honestly I could have easily made my own that looked identical but it was only $4.99 & I used my 40% coupon so it was worth it to save me a little time in this case. 

Here is the

Yep Just a plain Jane little crate. I had an idea what I wanted to do to it & I just went with the flow. Here is what I came up with.


I think it adds a nice summery feel to my dining room don't you?! 
I am to say the least, very pleased!
Not only with the rustic chicness it brings into the room but also with the price it took to create this masterpiece!

Lets talk Cost!
The only purchased items used in this project were 

1. The Crate - $4.99 minus 40% Michaels coupon.
2. Pack of 4 box feet (the legs I added to the crate)- $7.99 minus 40% off coupon.

Everything else I had around the house! :D Love when that happens! 

PS. The tall greenery in the back!... found while on a walk with my boy.. put a little water in mason jars & they are a free way to incorporate summer into your decor. 

PSS. That cute little wreath hanging on the front of the crate.. Totally made that using items from my garden! 
You can find beauty in everything!

I would say I made out well! 

Happy Tuesday All!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

2:1 Vintage Scale Makeover & Easy DIY kitchen Curtains.

I have been so busy busy busy! So please forgive me for my lack of posts!
I have most definitely been holding back! 
I recently began school again, working on my photography certification, & have been focusing on spending as much quality family time as possible. The marine corp is working my hubbies to the bone, preparing him for another upcoming deployment. So every chance we get is spent out & about with Daddy! 
Which brings me to whats happening this week!! So excited to say that we will be road tripping to see family in Long Island, NY! About time! We've been trying to make it to see this side of my family since before Jim and I were married 3 & a half years ago! So it will be really exciting for us to all get together & for everyone to get to meet and spend time with us & little man. 
I'm hoping to maybe get a chance to do a little thrifting/shopping & maybe bring back home a little inspiration with me. I'll be sure to take tons of pictures! 

90 degree weather and I sit here hot cocoa in hand (yes... I know, wrong season) debating where to even begin todays post.  

Both posts today take place in my kitchen. 
A few weeks ago, while thrift store hopping with my Mother in law & Sis in law, I stumbled upon this vintage, weathered gold scale. I debated even touching it but after weighing my options (haha.. get it ;),  I opted to give this beautiful piece a fresh new look. 

 Here is the Before:

& here is the after: 
Look closely & you may find a few sneak peaks into some future DIY's!

Well... :)))))? It looks better than I even pictured in my head! 
Any excuse to purchase new cactus friends. (guilty obsession.. could be something worse.) 
For this project I decided to work with white, I wanted a clean fresh color that would really make the colors in the cacti, POP! I took the scale apart, drilled a small hole in the bottom of each bowl for excess water to drain out, spray painted each piece individually with valspar spray paint with primer (saves you having to prime beforehand). I gave the scale a nice matte clear coat to lock in the paint, being that it will be getting wet when I water my plants. Last but not least I planted these cute little babies!
How much did this project cost?

Vintage Scale - $4.00 
Valspar White Spray Paint with Primer - Left Over from a previous project.
Rustoleum Clear Coat in Matte - Left Over from a previous project.
Cacti - $2.89 a piece at Lowes.

Grand Total: $6.89!!!! 
Worth every penny!

Now onto the next topic of discussion tonight... 
The DIY Kitchen curtains featured in tonights post! 
I'm so in love! & let me just say how simple & inexpensive they are to make! 

All of my supplies were purchased at Target:

1. Tention Rod. 
2. Fabric Napkins. 
3. Curtain Clips. 

Assemble. Really no lie that's all there is to it! 
I decided to make the curtain a half curtain, I have a shelf in the works that will be hung above the curtain as a plant ledge. However, you could virtually use this curtain technique in any room on any window, maybe not with these napkins but how about a table cloth?.. sheet?.. just a fabric you picked up?.. You decide what best suits you!! 

I love my new dolled up little window! 
What do you think?

Hope everyone had a fun filled weekend! My cocoa mug is empty.. oh no!! ;)


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Suitcase Side Table & Bennett's 7 months.

Please tell me.. where in the world does the time go? 
It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital holding this boy in my arms for the first time.. (Photos below,please excuse my appearance.. I had just, well you know.. had a baby & all.) 

 My 7 lbs 3 oz, baby boy Schmidt, all warm and snuggly. We blinked & tomorrow this itty bitty baby, Bennett, will be 7 months old & is now weighing in at a whopping 17 or so lbs! Still, just as adorable of course! 
I am so beyond in love with my boy! Everyday I wake up & can not wait to see his beautiful face, hear his little laugh & hold his tiny hands. ( :( Slow down Bennett, Mommy wants you to stay little forever!!)
Ok, ok I will stop with the mushy stuff now.

Here is a peak into Mister B's room, with my DIY suitcase side table plus a few small added details to add to our story nook corner. 
& here it goes... 


What do you think? 
I had the suitcase from previous photo projects & was waiting for the perfect project opportunity to present itself. I considered turning it into a foot stool or small ottoman for the end of my bed, however was inspired by a friends fathers suitcase turned side table he had made for her. 
I fell in love but wanted to twist it to make it my own unique creation. I think the outcome is  quite adorbs!
All of my supplies other than the suitcase itself were found at Lowes. 
I chose to use a light blue color by Valspar called Tranquility. When I reveal Bennett's full room you will see it is the same color as his bed spread and a shade or two lighter than an accent wall I painted, so it really pulls the whole room together. When he grows out of it, it will look cute in any other room as well! 
I sanded, painted, clear coated, & assembled & there we have it! A fresh look to something old!
The shelf was built from old pallets, originally made to display my wine, but now nicely displays a few of many Bennett's books & a few abc's! The photo behind the chair was an old frame I had sitting in my decor closet (yes.. decor closet.. doesn't everyone have one of those? ha ha), I lined the inside of the frame with a colorful patterned wrapping paper, for easy and inexpensive art work! 

Happy 7 months my baby B! 
I can't wait to read many more stories with you in your new story time nook!

Isn't he the sweetest. How did I get so lucky?!

Amanda (Bennett's Mommy)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dining Room Plate Wall.

First post of May & it's Cinco De Mayo!
Plates plates plates! 
For the past few months I have been keeping my eyes peeled, thrift store after thrift store, for an eclectic collection of plates. With no set in stone plans or ideas what exactly I was looking for, I set out with a general idea. I soon found myself loving the ornate blues and rustic reddish/brown tones of some of the plates I was coming across. 

The dining room is still a work in progress, that is a given, but with a new GIANT dining table, chairs & now my 'did it myself' plate wall, it is beginning to look like a room that I would love to host family dinners in every night! This is how it turned out! 

I will be keeping you updated on the progress being made in this room but Not to shabby for now! I'm beyond in love! I can't wait to get a dinette table for underneath! 
What do you think of my Plate Wall?

Hope everyone had a beautiful weekend, take this last day & do something crafty, while enjoying a margarita! ;) Happy Cinco De Mayo!
Back to the garage, so many projects in the works!
