Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thrifted Chair Makeover.

hmm..Lets start with, these handsome fellas.

As some of you know I am currently a photography student, hence why I have been M.I.A this past week, while out practicing some new techniques on nature, for an upcoming project, these crazies kept jumping in my shots! They're perfect but will my instructors count if there is nature in the background? ha ha
Anyways, My sweet Bennett boy there, turned 8 months old on the 8th! Gahhh! He is growing so fast,I wish there was a pause button on lifeI can't believe I am the mother to an 8 month old! This week he has advanced so much, he now pulls himself up in his crib (not for very long but he's working on it),Eats bits of cheerios,puffs, and rolls into sitting position on his own. Still no full on crawl but he is getting around, thats for sure. He does this cute army crawl thing and rolls from room to room following Miss Penny girl. Follow me on INSTAGRAM to see pics of B & his doggy. 
Mommy is so proud of you Bennett! 
Now that I have caught you up on my loves, lets get down to business.

I have a stock pile of projects in my garage, things I just pick up along the way, & a lot of the time I don't get around to doing until months later. Doesn't everyone? (I thought this was normal.)
This was one of those projects. 
I picked this chair up a while back with a fellow thrifty friend Miss Jordyn. <<< Link to visit her blog. I was very unsure of this chair at first. While I loved the shape an such, it was the beginning of our shopping that day & I wasn't sure I was ready to commit. Luckily, Jordyn knows her furniture & she could spot a treasure like this from a mile away! She gave me the extra push I needed to just do it!

Lets check it out, shall we?!

After taking to 2 power sanders to the thing to get through the 4 coats of paint :/ yes... 4!!!! 
A fresh coat of paint, a little stain & this adorable little chair has been given new life.
My paint job is in no way perfect but even with her little flaws she remains flawless. I'm head over heels in love with her!
That beautiful minty blue tone I chose is Tranquility by Valspar. Valspar has these awesome sample sizes that can be found at Lowes for about $4. I often purchase these! The sample covered this entire chair two coats & I still have a little left over. They're great if you don't plan on using the same color very often or like to switch it up on a regular, like I do. Finished this baby with 2 clear coats in Matte finish. & there she is.
I haven't decided 100% where her new home will be. I am thinking spare room, desk chair? That way every time I sit down to write for you guys I can write in style!



  1. I'm so in love with how it turned out!!! I'm glad I talked you into getting it ;) I vote laundry room////office room!

    1. Thank you! I'm diggin it too & you're the best. Good find! Laundry Room/// Office would be my first choice too, but I just hate that there are no windows in there! Makes me feel like I'm in a closet! Maybe if I homey it up I won't feel that way.. Supplies trip tomorrow?!


I would love to hear what you think! Comment away!!