Wednesday, June 19, 2013

DIY: Moss Topiaries

I have been looking for something to fill the bare space on top of my kitchen cabinets. Something different, other than plates or picture frames. While that looks awesome too, I have plates already on the wall in the dining room & frames all through out my house. So I felt the need to mix it up a bit. 
The space is still not quite finished but here is a peak at the DIY: Moss Topiaries I chose to begin with! 

What you will need:

1. Faux Moss.- Comes in different shades & Textures at Michaels, Hobby Lobby or a Local craft store! 
2. Styrofoam balls or Pre-made topiary. If you buy the pre made -you will not need #3.
3. Wooden Dowel & Styrofoam base.
4. Planter Pot
4. Hot Glue gun & Lots of glue sticks!
Don't forget to use your coupons that can be found for most craft stores in your local ads & smart phone apps!

*** The faux moss comes in big sheets, I cut into small squares and glued on, overlapping in some sections to create a more natural look, Decorate your pot if you would like. ***

Well? I have seen Moss topiaries like this at the store that run for $30+... I say Hellzzzzz no! 
This DIY was less expensive than pre made store bought topiaries, Simple & gave me inspiration on what direction I am going in with my kitchen! 
Do you have a space above your cabinets? What do you have up there?

I would love to hear what you think of my Moss Topiaries?

Happy Hump Day! 


P.S. Baby B started crawling today!! I'm one proud Momma... time to put the baby gates up! 

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