Thursday, July 18, 2013

Photog: Daddy & Bennett 9 months Session.

School.. Here's a little update on how I am doing. I have been at it for about 2 months now. For the first few weeks I was really dragging, between having company drive in & our trip to Long Island, I began to push school off day after day. Now, things have settled down a bit & I have really forced myself into an everyday routine. I am more of a hands on learner so, I read a little bit, while taking notes, & try to go out to take photos a little bit each day. It's really the only way that things register & make sense to me. Anyways, I really feel as though I am getting more skillful at photography, meanwhile, becoming a tad more confident in my work. 
I know.. I am my own worst critic, & a bit of a perfectionist. Which can discourage you sometimes.. to say the least. But I am picking myself up & moving on. Can't get better if you quit right?! 

This week we ventured off & snapped some photos of the two men in my life! A mixture of a Daddy & me session with some 9 month snap shots! 9 months old is a big accomplishment ya know! So of course we had to document the occasion! 

Besides they are the cutest subjects & my biggest muses :)

So I won't post them all because I don't want to overwhelm you with cuteness.. (haha.. but really!) but I  do believe I have come a long way in just a few short months and hopefully will continue to do so. Here is Bennett's 6 month photo.. compared to his now.. 9 month, below.

Left- 6 months, Right- 9 months.

He's always adorable but as you can see in the photos, my style is adapting as well as the quality photography. The colors & contrast aren't so harsh & I am using less filtering or photoshop actions. 
Not as much of a need for them :D
I am far from where I would like to be, but I am right on track for where I want to go! 
What do you think of my photos? Are you a photographer or like to take photos? I would love to hear from you! 

I hope you are having a splendid week! We sure will!


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