Saturday, June 1, 2013

DIY Cake/Serving Trays.

Ever since I could remember Alice in Wonderland has been my all time favorite book/ movie. So much that my baby shower was even Mad Hatter tea Party themed. It was amaze-balls to say the very least!!! 

Maybe my love for wonderland had played a part in my love for tea? 

So today we will begin with a little Saturday morning tea & a post on my DIY Cake Tray that cost $1!!! Ready? 

Muffin, muffin? ;)

Even if you don't drink tea.. this cute little set up sure does make you want to start doesn't it!?
Wanna know how I did it?

Can you believe I only spent $1 to make this cute cake tray?! I used a silver serving tray & plastic cup, a plastic wine glass, margarita cup, just about anything would work, just pick the look that best suits you.  I purchased the silved platter tray at the Dollar store, they were 50 cents a piece & the cup I chose to use I had purchased at Walmart off season a few years ago. It had just been chillin in the back of my cupboard, so I decided it was time to get some use out of the poor thing. 
I super glued the cup to the serving tray, holding in place until completely dry. 
Then flipped over and gave a good coat of spray paint & clear coat. I opted not to paint the tray, not only because I love the two toned look but also I'm not trying to get my guests sick.. you're welcome ;). If you choose you want to paint your tray.. be SURE it is food friendly, non toxic paint.

The Chalkboard serving platter is pretty self explanatory.. Chalkboard the front of the tray and voila, a cute unique way to add some personality to whatever you are serving!  

These two DIY's took me about 5 mins to do, waiting for the paint to dry took longer than the actual process of putting it all together! 
So worth the wait! Make one, add your own twist to this project, I would love to see what you come up with! 
Enjoy your weekend everyone! I'm about to go hang out with my boys in the back yard & sip on a Corona & lime! Summer is here!



I would love to hear what you think! Comment away!!