Wednesday, April 24, 2013

DIY Chalkboard

I've been meaning to get to this post for a while now!

As of late, Chalkboarding seems to be the trend. You can't go into any home decor stores without spotting something that has been chalkboarded up!

My motto, Why buy when you can do?!
After exploring all the chalking possibilities I decided to go in a more traditional direction. I needed a chalkboard that could go in my kitchen & still keep to my rustic feel of my living room being that it is all one big open space. 

My original plan was to make a magnetic chalkboard for the side of my Island, so when a little older,my son, could use this as his magnet letters space, rather than adding clutter to my fridge. However this plan only made it as far as paper. I opted not to attempt this due to I didn't want to take on the hastle of cutting a sheet of metal while the hubs was no where to be found. If you are more daring than I, this would be a great idea for a family with children! 

Instead a friend of mine, Jordyn 'Petunia' Pruitt ;)Inspired me with her DIY chalkboard. {Link to Jordyns Chalkboard Post & Blog Here!} Check it out!Thanks Jordyn for the inspiration!

I did a little tweaking & adding to make my chalkboard creation my own unique creation. 
& Here is what I came up with!

You likey???

You can make your chalkboard in any size, shape, for any room & may be used to jot down many things! Mine normally has our dinner menu for the entire week but I am currently chicken scratching down my To do's for the day! (Helps me to visualize a bit better..)

Here is what you will need:

1. A Thin sheet of wood. This is for the actual chalkboard itself I found the thinner the better, Any size will do! Sand the front down, so it is smooth & clean the surface before first coat of chalkboard paint!

2. Chalkboard paint. I used Valspar spray chalkboard paint. ( At least 3 coats) To save a bit of time (I'm impatient) I would prob opt to not use the spray paint next time and instead paint it on myself. If you decide to do this.. I suggest using a roller to avoid streaks from a paint brush.

3. Thin Strips of wood for a border. At lowes they sell individual strips such as the ones I used, but if you would like a more decorative board you could purchase base board edging or any decorative molding as well!

4. Wood glue.

5. Wood Stain. I used Rustolium- Dark Walnut.


7. Final unique touches! I added a DIY Mossed Letter S to mine! (Maybe a future post? ;) )

& There you go! Assemble!

I have now been using my DIY Chalkboard for a good 3 weeks every week writing and erasing, writing & erasing, writing &... you get the point. I have found it has really held up quite nicely & adds a nice DIY touch to my kitchen!

Hope you like my DIY Chalkboard! I would love to hear your thoughts & see what you come up with!

Happy Wednesday!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

DIY Easy Bathroom Organization

I have always been a pretty tidy person (since having my own place.. my Mom would disagree based on my younger years..) However, since having my son & the 'big' move my bathroom has become somewhat of a mess.
 I have about a 15-20 min window (nap time) to get ready every morning, .This includes shower, hair & makeup... IMPOSSIBLE to do, I have discovered, if you are not in the least bit organized. I decided it was time to make things easier on myself. 

The Before [Don't judge..]

I know it was awful! 
but now...

I purchased this outdoor bird cage thinking of using it to store a few plants on my back patio.. Instead I decided to go in a totally different direction & use it as a jewelry holder! :D It displays my earrings so perfectly!! 

& there you have it! A clean life = A happy wife?.. 

Wanna know how I did it? 

The set of 3 stacked drawers I purchased at Michaels on sale for $16.99. - 40% coupon in most Sunday papers or now they have the Michaels App!Just have it pulled up on your phone when you get to the counter & they will scan! Totally worth it, the coupon brought the cost down to $10.19! Not to shabby! 
The Brushes & Misc. Box is a memory box on sale for $4.99, I just removed the files & lid.
The Letters came out to $1.99! 
(I should add if you are military/or spouse you get an additional discount on Wednesdays :)))))

I took a piece of card stock paper I had laying around & made labels, using these clear backed letters. It really is that simple, probably the easiest DIY I ever done! 
I chose to line the inside of my drawers with some cutesy paper totally optional but gives them a little spunk. If you do this step I suggest mod podging a layer over the top of the paper for easier clean up if something were to spill!

My husband drilled 2 small holes in each cabinet for hooks to hang my hair dryer/straightner & curling iron. I hate cords, this way they can be rolled up and out of the way. Last step I tossed my makeup brushes in a few Mason jars for safe keeping & easy finding!

(Dont mind the photo quality they were taken late at night.. poor lighting!)

There we have it!!! I found my counter! 

An inexpensive, yet very appealing way to stay bathroom organized! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bringing Outdoors, In.

It is officially spring, so to get in the spirit & in an attempt to make my house brighter, greener & more alive. I've been bringing the outdoors in! A very inexpensive way to give your home that rustic chic look that is trending, & costing high end prices at many home decor stores at the moment. 

Here was a little Pottery Barn inspiration that fueled my creative side & made me think.. "Hey I can do that...& still manage to make my car payment." haaa

[We all drool over Pottery Barn, but lets face it they're not very budget friendly.]

Project Inspiration- Pottery Barn: Christmas 2012. 

Here is my own version, & I am so pleased with the way it turned out!

For Pottery Barns milk jug with twigs they were charging a pretty penny.. for my mock up total cost was $1!
The twigs/ branches were found in the woods behind my house.. I just went out & started collecting! My neighbors most likely think I am insane, outside picking twigs with a baby on my hip. [I don't blame them!] Be sure to shake them out thoroughly  before bringing them into your house! You could even spray them with a light coat of bug spray or raid. If you chose to do this step, leave outside to air out the smell & keep far away from children for a few hours or so. 

My mother in law had gotten me the milk jug a while back from The Dollar Store! Score!! It was an awful hot pink color but we saw potential! I gave it coat of silver spray paint & perfecto! A quick & easy face lift. I chose a bright crisp silver, opposed to the more pewter like color that Pottery Barn had. I felt like the brighter silver worked more for what I was going for in my home.

I am loving how all these earth tones are mixing with all the bronze, golds & silver accents in my living room! 

I would love to hear what you think! 
